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Job Seeker Support

Key Business Skills has a number of Fully Funded Support Services to aid individuals either into new employment or to support individuals in looking for a career change.

CV Review

As part of our Fully Funded Services we can support in Reviewing your CV and aiding you in creating a CV in order to enhance your potential and prospects


As part of our fully funded service we can help you assess your current situation, your goals, ambitions and educational needs in order to support you in gaining and achieving your potential

Online Courses

Key Business Skills has a number of Sector Based Courses that are CPD Recognised and can help support you gaining relevant sector based skills.  Why not browse our Course Catalogue.  Courses can be funded - conditions apply


Key Business Skills has access to a number of different funding schemes to aid you in moving in the right direction.  Why not contact us to find out how we may be able to support you in moving forward

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